There is great darkness in the world. I am talking about darkness as the bad, the wrong, the evil. No one would deny that. And yet Christians believe Jesus came as the light? I am talking about the light as the hope, peace, and end to evil. Do you hesitate when it comes to Christianity because of this obvious discrepancy?
So try this on: When Jesus hung on the cross, there was complete darkness for three hours (Google it). Why? The one Christians call the "light of the world" (because Jesus gave himself this name) is in the most critical three hours of his life... and there was complete darkness?
Yes. Because this is God's divine plot, with Light infiltrating darkness and taking on its supposedly most powerful weapon: suffering and death.
"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (John 1:5).
Even in the darkness that we know, it has not overcome the light. Jesus proved this by taking on the darkness head on, the suffering, including his death, and yet he stands now fully alive for eternity.
Christians are those who believe that the light, specifically Jesus, has taken on the darkness in the world, and that the light has won. The gift of God for those who follow Jesus is the confidence that right is behind the wrong, the good has overcome the evil, that suffering's days are numbered, and that the grave has been swallowed up by eternal life.
This gift is offered to all. We as CPPC gratefully unwrap this gift together, live in view of this gift together, and do all we can for others to join us that would be unwrapping this gift for the first time.
The video is the message that Pastor Daniel shared on this theme a few weeks ago.