Saturday, October 29, 2016

Everything to Disciple Everyone into Life (Part 3) 9/11/16

What is the role of the church in a culture that grows increasing hostile to Jesus’ message? 

What are you to do when living out Jesus’ ask makes you a “radical?”

This is the second message in a series that looks at Acts to understand Christ’s vision for Canoga Park Pres (or any church).

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Everything to Disciple Everyone into Life -Week 2 9/4/16

Would you say no if God offered to refresh your life? Would you reject the offer to catch your life’s breath, or to run life’s course like an athlete in great shape?

Acts 3:19 = Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that TIMES OF REFRESHING may come from the Lord.

In this message I (Jonathan) share the vision of Jesus for your life to fully turn on as you, like a bulb, plug into his movement. Furthermore, all of us together as a church, as a collection of bulbs, become the chandelier that Christ promises would be as a light that cannot be hidden.