Thursday, January 26, 2017

Am I My Brother's Keeper? 1/22/17

“I don’t know,” Cain says to God. “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

I don't know about that man sleeping on the street. Am I my brother's keeper?

I don't know about that suffering family who recently lost someone. Am I my sister's keeper?

I don't know about that child who is malnourished and uneducated. Am I my brother's keeper?

I don't know about that woman selling herself to make ends meet. Am I my sister's keeper?

I don't know about that Police officer who lives with a target on his back from an angry society. Am I by brother's keeper?

I don't know about that woman threatened by racial injustice or societal paranoia. Am I my sister's keeper?

"I don't know," Cain responded. "Am I my brother's keeper?"

Jesus wants a community of followers who answer: “YES!” In this message I continue focusing in on God’s vision for our relationships human-to-human. 

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Golden Rule 1/15/17

The Golden Rule might work great as a facebook meme, but Jesus originally offered it as a COMMAND. “In everything, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Join us, as a movement within the present upheaval of broken and damaged human relations, by studying and following the Way of Jesus.

In this video message I unpack the punch with which these words (the Golden Rule) hit us. As we rise as a community to be formed in the image of Jesus, it will require that we mature.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The End of Hate 1/8/17

The end of prejudice, intolerance, and violence is a common hope flowing through many people today.  I want to talk about why this hope, as a pop cultural project, is destined to fail. Then I want to talk about where this hope has already been enacted, and how you can get in. If you are passionate about ending prejudice, intolerance, and violence then let’s get down to it and talk seriously.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

A New Year's Message 1/1/17

Listen in as I (Jonathan) share about making a "recount list" of your Heavenly Father's blessings, and about having "faith-forward" while we consider the future in all of our needs. This message will give you how to live into your Christian faith as we all transition into a new year.

On New Year's we stand in the door frame between our past and future. What we must do there, as with each step in our life, is worship. Using Scripture, from Isaiah 63 and Psalm 63, I show how to worship God while looking over the past and into the future.

Monday, January 2, 2017

Wieghty Words 12/18/16

In this message Rebecca opens the door of considering the “weighty words” we hear from God that shape and form us. The Christmas season markets itself on themes of goodwill, Santa Clause, and all being merry and bright. For many of us, though, our lives know difficulty. Rebecca leads you into the difficulties facing Mary when she received “weighty words” from God. Listen here for an invitation into a biblically-faithful response to living amidst difficulty.