Sunday, May 25, 2014

Orbiting Around God 5/25/14

When we gather together on Sundays we go through a drama of worship. We follow a drama that lets us be real with ourselves, real with what happens in this life, and real with God. If we are going to be real, then it begins with letting God be God and letting us humans be God's creation (instead of the other way around!).

We need to let ourselves be pulled by God to Himself. We must recognize the gravitational pull of God upon our lives, and orbit around Him like Earth around the Sun. The we can honest ask questions like: What does God want for me? And what's more, we can honestly hear God's answer through Scripture.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Stay in Gethsemane 5/18/2014

Working with people can be hard work. Expectations, personalities, our future, etc. all get mixed up in relationships. In this message we consider the example set for us by Christ. Are you ever challenged by working with others?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Who Are You Mothering? 5/11/2014

Did you know that God wants you to mother people?!
God told Isaiah many years ago that His plan would be to mother us. To be specific, God promised to comfort and protect us as a mother does her child.
What would it look like if a group of people following God (a church) committed to comforting and protecting others at all cost?