Sunday, August 31, 2014

Need Hope? 8/31/14

In a world where living is accompanied by suffering, loss, want, etc., humans strive and hope for better. Christians don't believe this pursuit is done in vain. God Himself gave us, gives us, the ultimate plan. This plan has come to be called the Gospel.

Are you too aware of the pain, emptiness, loss, etc.? Or do you know someone that is at the end of their rope?

In this message I breakdown part of this Gospel that a follower of Jesus shares with us through a letter he wrote (to you!).

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Spiritual Discipline 8/24/14

Imagine knowing that an important test was coming and deciding not to prepare! What would you think when you don't do well?  Would you be surprised?

Here is my point: What's wrong with putting the time in to be spiritually prepared for what it takes to live your life? Peter challenges us in this part of his letter to put ourselves in the position to succeed. These are words he uses: disciplined, self-controlled, staying alert, opposing evil, persevering, etc.

In this message I (Jonathan) speak about Peter's challenge to take on spiritual preparation!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Peter's Church Growth 8/17

Our church needs to step up. And so we are. In the part of Peter's letter that we focus on here, we see a challenge to take an honest look at what's before us. But not only look! The challenge is to then act according.
For this church, right now, we are challenged to reinvest in children.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Regenerate Life 8/10/14

This church (Canoga Park Pres) is being blessed with new life. We are a community that is being regenerated, healed, and loved by God. It's wonderful, and it creates enormous responsibility for this faith community.

In this message I (Jonathan) speak about this responsibility. I speak about countless others outside of our church home with the same need for being regenerated, healed, and loved by God.

Lord, guide and equip Canoga Park Pres Church to be a beacon of your light for those who walk in a darkened brokenness.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Through Peter's Eyes 8/3/14

This week CPPC leader Nabeel Saoud shares a message on 1 Peter 4. It is a strong sign of the leadership of a church when the elders can prepare the messages for when the pastor is absent.

In this particular message Nabeel draws out several important themes, concentrating most intensely on the life of Christians in modern times. Listen as he spends great length sharing the life that Peter lived alongside of Jesus.