Monday, February 22, 2016

Go All In 2/14/16

What's the craziest thing you've done, and that you only would have done, because of your faith in God?

Elijah challenged those who would follow God: Either go all in, or go all out.

In this message I (Jonathan) uncover a hidden trap for most Christians. Namely, we say we have been given grace, but then live as if we have to earn our rightness.  So most of us live and anti-Gospel! And it also robs us of ever being able to go all in as God invites. Let's unravel the basics of Christianity in this message...

Here Are Your Gods 2/7/16

Who do you let tell you: "Here are your gods"?

In this message we concentrate on how Jeraboam, a king of ancient Israel, tried to take the place of the Word of God. He tried to manipulate the people that telling them who would be the gods that they were to follow.

The people that God has given the authority to say "here is your God" today are those in the church!