Sunday, May 31, 2015

Leaders & Hardship 5/31/2015

Leaders in a church have some hard work! In this message we look at what Paul said about these leaders. Paul reminds us that we have to do some things for them as leaders...

Sunday, May 17, 2015

God Saves & Witnesses Through You 5/17/2015

This message focuses upon the story of a jailer being saved from suicide (Acts 16). He asks the most important question we can as humanity: "What must I do to be saved?"

My hope is that you are moved to ask the question, and to hear God voice the answer through the witness of His church. "Believe on the Lord Jesus."

You need saving. You have a job to witness. We all carry both the need and the job. This is essential Christianity.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Come To Me 5/10/2015

Healing. Wholeness. Restoration. These are all promises within Christianity. Yet the world, the people, and the systems around us get in the way. We are easily convinced, seduced even, to not receive these promises.

Are you in need?

In this message I (Jonathan) talk about how to receive these promises.