Monday, April 11, 2016

Hopeless to Standing Again 3/27/16

To get what you need requires death. Jesus gives you that death.

Scripture tells our story. God offered us the Way to find fulfillment of life. Instead of following this Way, we have all chosen the ways that lead to death and destruction. The ways that we all too often choose have lead to an inevitable end of death. This is hopeless.

There are many trying to hide their hopelessness behind a career, a hobby, a family, etc. They try to tell themselves that they do have hope in these areas. Yet they, like all of us, will find that these areas of our life can be excellent, and meaningful, but ultimately will not suffice in themselves to offer us the hope we need.

What Jesus has done is die your death. And in place of your inevitable death he gives you a new birth, a new life, and a new promise. He promises that just as he stood again, that just as he rose from death by resurrection, so you will stand again even though you die. And now, in this time you live on the Earth, you have been armed with this living hope that you will stand again. Death does not control your future.

This hope is meant for you to use as a weapon to combat the hardship and sense of hopelessness that this world tries to force at you. When your hope in Jesus Christ overcomes the hopelessness of the world then you prove the Christian faith and bring glory to God. The church, we as Canoga Park Pres, exists in order that we might live hope—that we might showcase living hope in Jesus’ death and resurrection. When our hope is found to overcome this world’s hopelessness then others will see where their true hope lies: Jesus’ empty tomb.

Living life in hopelessness is an option the church exists to eliminate!

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